Liliya Zaitceva

Liliya Zaitceva (5)

I live in Ukraine, the city Sumy. Graduated from Sumy State University with a degree in General Medicine Degree: General Practitioner, also graduated from National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" with a degree in pedagogy. I work in the clinical hospital №4 in Sumy.

What tourists should do in Odessa

Lots of articles are written about Odessa. It is probably the most popular tourist destination in Ukraine: people come here to bathe in the sea and dance in discos. We decided to look at the trip to this city from a new angle. In the…

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What tourists can do in Kharkiv

Over the past few years Kharkiv, in addition to being a scientific and industrial center, is becoming a tourist center. People come here not only from other Ukrainian cities. There are a lot of foreigners in Kharkov. They come to relax, have fun and improve…

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What tourists should do in Lviv 

Lviv is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Ukraine. It's a beautiful city that leaves no one indifferent. Ancient architecture, delicious food, hospitable people and the aroma of coffee - every day here is filled with positive emotions and exciting discoveries. You can…

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Private Medicine in Ukraine

Over the past few years, private medicine in Ukraine has been actively developing. If in 2016 the private sector provided medical services for 13.9 billion UAH, in 2018 - 21.8 billion UAH. Now the positive dynamics remains, and in the future it will only increase.

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